050 - 8888888
Taxi Rates

Taxi rates in Groningen

Calculate taxi rates with the taxi meter

Taxi rates are calculated at Taxi Groningen by using a (calibrated) taxi meter, this meter calculates exactly the distance driven and the associated fare. At Taxi Groningen, the taxi meter calculates the price of the taxi ride as follows, which consists of the entry rate (€ 3.10) plus a price per kilometer (€ 2.35) and a price per minute that the ride lasts (€ 0.39). If you let the taxi wait with the driver, this costs € 42.50 per hour. The rates for a taxi van are approximately 25% higher and we charge fixed prices for wheelchair taxi rides.

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Fixed rates for longer taxi rides

For journeys longer than 10 kilometers it is possible to agree a fixed price with us in advance. Please contact us or complete our quotation form if you want to know what your journey will cost. Calculate your fare online and book a taxi immediately
Calculate your fare

Pay with PIN or Credit Card at Taxi Groningen

At Taxi Groningen we have a mobile PIN machine available. If you would like to pay for the taxi after the ride with PIN or credit card, we kindly request that you indicate this when making your reservation. We do not charge extra costs for the use of the PIN.

Taxi rates for common routes
With Taxi Groningen you can agree on attractive and fixed taxi rates in advance for pre-booked rides over longer distances. Below you will find a number of frequently occurring destinations. If your destination is not listed here, please feel free to contact us for a competitive quote. The rates below are for a taxi (maximum 4 people), a taxi van for a maximum of 8 people is +/- 20% more expensive. These rates are valid if discussed with the operator or driver at least 6 hours in advance.

Pay with PIN or Credit Card at Taxi Groningen

At Taxi Groningen we have a mobile PIN machine available. If you would like to pay for the taxi after the ride with PIN or credit card, we kindly request that you indicate this when making your reservation. We do not charge extra costs for the use of the PIN.

Taxi rates for common routes

With Taxi Groningen you can agree on attractive and fixed taxi rates in advance for pre-booked rides over longer distances. Below you will find a number of frequently occurring destinations. If your destination is not listed here, please feel free to contact us contact Contact us for a competitive quote. The rates below are for a taxi (maximum 4 people), a taxi van for up to 8 people is +/- 20% more expensive. These rates are valid if discussed with the operator or driver at least 6 hours in advance.

More information about taxi rates can be found on the page about this national government and calculate what a ride costs on the taxi meter how much does a taxi cost pagePlease note that any price agreements are not included in this calculator.

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Group transport by taxi on request

We can provide larger buses and coaches for groups that cannot fit in a taxi bus. These buses can transport up to 88 people per bus. If you are interested in this, please contact us at info@taxi-groningen.nl

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This is what customers say about us

The most popular Taxi company for everyone in Groningen and the surrounding area

Very nice Taxi driver Thank you, everything quick and easy :)
D28 42
D28 42
Very satisfied! Recommended.
Nicola Coolsma
Nicola Coolsma
With 9 people we can arrange 3 taxis in the middle of the night at a reasonable price from the city to Winsum. Perhaps not entirely on time, but overall great service!
Benne Walstra
Benne Walstra

Taxi Groningen BV
Stettinweg 9
9723 HD Groningen

© 2024 Taxi Groningen
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