Your taxi from Groningen to Leeuwarden
If you are looking for a reliable taxi to travel from Groningen to Leeuwarden, you have come to the right place Taxi Groningen at the right place. Our taxi drivers know the way between Groningen and Leeuwarden better than anyone else. Call Taxi Groningen Leeuwarden on 050-5418452.
With taxi transport to De Oldehove in Leeuwarden!
Drive with Taxi Groningen Leeuwarden to the center of Leeuwarden.
The taxi can possibly wait if your stay in Friesland is short and will take you back to Groningen for a very affordable rate. Of course we also drive from the Groningen area to Leeuwarden with our taxis. You don't have to worry about the rate, did you know that Taxi Groningen is up to 50% cheaper for a ride to Leeuwarden than other taxi companies?
Rate for a taxi from Groningen to Leeuwarden
When you order a taxi from Groningen to Leeuwarden with us, you are assured of a very competitive rate. We charge a fixed price for this taxi ride so that you know in advance how much the ride will cost you.
- Taxi fare Groningen Leeuwarden € 105.00
- Taxi bus fare Groningen Leeuwarden € 125.00
Book your taxi online immediately!
If you want to order a taxi you can reach us by phone
050 - 541 8452. Of course you can also reach us by email Email or via the form on our contact page.