050 - 8888888

Transport to Schiphol during the holiday period

Taxi Groningen to Schiphol

During the holiday period many people fly from Schiphol Airport, to get here you can of course drive your car to Schiphol yourself and park it there. Unfortunately, the cars are not always completely safe at "Schiphol long-term parking" and you will not be the first to find a broken car upon your return.
You can of course also choose to be taken to and/or from Schiphol by taxi. We have been transporting people to and from Schiphol for many years and our driver knows the way like no other, they will drop you off in front of the correct departure hall so that you can start your holiday relaxed.

Taxi rates Groningen - Schiphol

Taxi Groningen has very competitive rates to and from Schiphol, a one-way trip with a taxi costs € 185, and if the group is too large for a taxi, we use a taxi van for € 225. If you would like more information or would like to make a reservation, please send an email or call 050 - 850 7519.


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The most popular Taxi company for everyone in Groningen and the surrounding area


Taxi Groningen BV
Stettinweg 9
9723 HD Groningen

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