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Cheapest taxi Groningen

Cheapest taxi Groningen – Have you been looking for the cheapest taxi in Groningen for some time? Taxi Groningen has a large number of permanent employees who are happy to take you from A to Z. Being picked up at home and then taken anywhere in the Netherlands for little money. Do you want to go to Amsterdam? Schiphol? Utrecht? We are here to make it possible for you. Call 050 - 541 8452 and we will be at your door in no time reserve here via our form.

Cheapest taxi Groningen | Everywhere in the Netherlands

Our company receives the most requests for longer distances. Do you want to go to Limburg? No problem. In terms of prices, it will be difficult to find somewhere cheaper. Taxi Groningen has very competitive rates to and from Schiphol, a one-way trip with a taxi costs € 185, and if the group is too large for a taxi, we use a taxi van for € 225. Of course, our staff is hospitable and takes the situation into account, such as the time of day and whether there are children in the back.

Cheapest taxi Groningen | Comfortable taxis

In terms of comfort, our taxis are among the very best. Our cars have navigation, air conditioning, extra legroom and leather upholstery; our job is to reassure you and make it a wonderful ride. We would like to hear when we can be of service to you. Cheapest taxi Groningen will help you.

Taxi cheap Groningen | Get to your destination quickly

Quickly reach your preferred spot. Our drivers ensure the right conditions and take into account, for example, children in the back and the time of day. The cheapest taxi that also guarantees quality. A combination that you naturally like to see. Regardless of the time, our people are ready to take you there. Next time you need a taxi, maybe think of us? The drivers of Taxi Groningen are happy to see you and hope to be able to greet you soon.

Cheap taxi Groningen | Top drivers

Of course, not only the car and prices are important, but also the driver. Our people are focused on their profession and very customer-friendly. Groningen Taxi is very strict when choosing the driver, they really have to add something to the ride. They always take the circumstances of the moment into account. For example, you can consider the number of passengers, children and loading space.

Cheapest taxi Groningen | Remain a customer

Once you have had a ride with Taxi Groningen, it is of course our main goal that you will remain a customer forever. If you need a taxi in the future, please call us. A one-off ride is not our goal, we hope to see you many more times in our taxis! Don't wait too long and call us quickly. Cheapest taxi Groningen would like to hear from you.

This is what customers say about us

The most popular Taxi company for everyone in Groningen and the surrounding area


Taxi Groningen BV
Stettinweg 9
9723 HD Groningen

© 2024 Taxi Groningen
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